These are the top 10 list of things to do that make organizing a field trip easy.

1. Start simply.

2. Ask a friend to work with you.

3. Set limits - group size, age and cut off dates, and methods of contacting you.

4. Feel free to say "No" to requests that make your life more difficult.

5. E-mail the field trip coordinator for an idea and to check the schedule for conflicts.

6. Be sure to keep a list of e-mail addresses to contact the attendees.

7. Keep a waiting list to replace last minute cancellations.

8. Collect money up front.

9. Pick a place related to what you are studying  (eg. if you are studying earth science, plan a trip to U of Waterloo's rock collection)

10. Remember we are here to support you - feel free to e-mail or call the Field Trip Co-Ordinator to ask all your questions.

Field Trips are a vital part of our group.  We would encourage each person to plan a field trip.   To assist you in planning a field trip,  we have a few resources to help you.  

Our field trip coordinator would love to assist you.  She has a book of previous field trips and contact information.  

She can also assist you in picking a suitable date that won’t conflict with other dates that are being planned.

We have prepared a sample field trip planning sheet  and a sample sign up sheet.  They can be downloaded here- fieldtrip-planning-blank and fieldtrip-signup-blank.

After you have finished your trip,  you should give a copy of the planning sheet to the field trip coordinator.  

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