
Please read the policies in the blue box before completing the registration form.


KWCHEA does not require that all members agree with our Statement Purpose  or our Statement of Faith. We do require that members accept that this is the policy of our group, and that all our support group activities will be conducted in a manner that is in line with our policy. Our full policy can read at Policies

Statement of Purpose     

Kitchener-Waterloo Christian Home Educators is a group of parents who meet together regularly to encourage and support one another in our God-given task of educating our children spiritually and academically according to the inspired Word of God defined as the Historical Canon of the Old and New Testaments.  We aim to do this by:  regular support group meetings; sharing of information and resources;  education and social group activities.

Statement of Faith

The Apostles' Creed was adopted in June 1993 to represent our statement of faith.  It reads as follows:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth:  And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into Hades; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of  the body and life everlasting.


KWCHEA members agree not to misuse the personal information of others in our group by sending email forwards, sharing or selling contact information, spamming or soliciting in any form. A member’s name and email addresses will be shown in the directory. The directory is for the exclusive use of KWCHEA members.


Members are entitled to use the KWCHEA library. In the event that an item is damaged or lost, while signed out on a member’s card, the member will be required to pay the cost to replace the item.

Release of Liability

We are a loosely organized not for profit group of Christian families. The leadership is made up of those who have volunteered their time to organize activities for KWCHEA. Participation in any event is strictly voluntary, with no member being required to attend any meeting or event. Neither KWCHEA, nor its leaders, nor its members are liable for any injuries or damages whether connected with a group event or not.  

At every event, parents or a designated care giver are responsible for their own children. Under no circumstance can KWCHEA, its leaders, or its members assume any liability for the safety of participants at any meeting or event.  

It is expected that any member or spouse or child or guest who damages property or who causes injury, either willfully or through neglect, will take personal responsibility for his action. However, KWCHEA, its leaders, or its members will not be involved in any way in such situations.

Any person, whether member or not, who has such a claim will be directed to discuss the offense individually with the party he believes to be responsible. The outcome of such a problem is out of the realm of responsibility of KWCHEA, its leaders or its members.

When registering members will be required to indicate that they agree with the following release of liability.

I have read the above release of liability  and agree to hold KWCHEA harmless in the event of any damages or injuries to me, or my spouse or to the designated care giver that I have appointed to be responsible for my children at an event, to my children or to my property. I further understand that it is my responsibility to inform a person taking my place at an event, of the release of liability that has been signed, and that their attending the event places them under this release of liability.

I have read the release of liability and agree to hold KWCHEA harmless in the event of any damages or injuries to me, or my spouse or to the designated care giver that I have appointed to be responsible for my children at an event, to my children or to my property. I further understand that it is my responsibility to inform a person taking my place at an event, of the release of liability that has been signed, and that their attending the event places them under this

release of liability.

If you have questions,  email registrar@kwchea.ca

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