These are the top 10 list of things to do that make organizing a field trip easy.
1. Start simply.
2. Ask a friend to work with you.
3. Set limits - group size, age and cut off dates, and methods of contacting you.
4. Feel free to say "No" to requests that make your life more difficult.
5. E-mail the field trip coordinator for an idea and to check the schedule for conflicts.
6. Be sure to keep a list of e-mail addresses to contact the attendees.
7. Keep a waiting list to replace last minute cancellations.
8. Collect money up front.
9. Pick a place related to what you are studying (eg. if you are studying earth science, plan a trip to U of Waterloo's rock collection)
10. Remember we are here to support you - feel free to e-mail or call the Field Trip Co-Ordinator to ask all your questions.
Field Trips are a vital part of our group. We would encourage each person to plan a field trip. To assist you in planning a field trip, we have a few resources to help you.
Our field trip coordinator would love to assist you. She has a book of previous field trips and contact information.
She can also assist you in picking a suitable date that won’t conflict with other dates that are being planned.
We have prepared a sample field trip planning sheet and a sample sign up sheet. They can be downloaded here- fieldtrip-planning-blank and fieldtrip-signup-blank.
After you have details for your trip be sure to send it to the Newsletter Editor so that it can be advertised in the newsletter.
After you have finished your trip, you should give a copy of the planning sheet to the field trip coordinator.